Why “Parent Perspectives on MLTSS”?


By Karen Scallan

MLTSS is short for Managed Care in Long-term Supports and Services.  It is a growing trend across the United States to manage the costs of supporting our loved ones with disabilities (children and adults) and our elderly family members.

It is also a complex, untested and unproven method of managing Medicaid services and costs for our most vulnerable family members with disabilities and special needs.  The complexities of this process, it’s implementation, monitoring and quality control are of epic proportions.

As family members, if we are not voices at the table, prepared and knowledgeable, the tidal wave of change that will come with implementing MLTSS could be devastating.

It doesn’t have to be.  We can educate ourselves and others, speak out on what we need for successful outcomes for our family members and keep up with the changes as they are discussed, so that we are prepared for changes to come.

The purpose for Parent Perspectives on MLTSS is to facilitate parent awareness, knowledge, idea exchanges, and promote the needs of our loved ones when the care they receive includes MLTSS.

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